Monday, April 26, 2010

My Name: Rebecca Ann Driver

All names are special.  My name, Rebecca Ann Driver, is very special—it is laced with family history, as well as my parents' personal preference.  Interestingly, my sister, Sarah Anne Driver, also has my middle name, except hers has an extra e on the end.  Both my grandmothers are named “Ann” or “Anne;” my parents liked the name, but they did not want to play favorites.

My last name also has a lot of history.  “Driver” is, of coures,  my dad’s orginal name.  It is also an English name.  One site says that there was one hundred one Drivers that came from England, and twenty-seven alone came in the year 1854.
Although my parents considered my middle name, it was my first name that took the most consideration.  My father’s great-grandmother, Rebecca, was a very respectable lady, and that is who I am named after, even though there are many other "Rebecca"s in my family.  Although my parents liked my name, they also considered the names “Grace” and “Isabelle.”  Personally, I am glad my name is Rebecca. I like the name, and I feel that it fits me.  The only thing that I don’t particulary like is that there seem to be several Rebecca’s (but of course, that's not my fault).  However, that is still okay, because there are several nicknames for Rebecca: Bec, Becca, Becky—I’ve even met someone named “Bekah.”  The nicknames help distinguish me—all the people I know are either called Becca or Becky, so I am the only “Rebecca.”  Officially, at least.  A lot of people call me Bec or Becca, but as long as it is not Becky, I don’t mind. Bec and Becca are just abbreviated names, like they whispered the first part but I couldn’t hear. But Becky is completely different, so I don’t like it.  Overall, I like my whole name.  My initials are even RAD!  I am glad that I was named after family.  If I was named Bella or Cullen or something because my parents were obsessed with Twilight, I would be very embarrassed, and would not like it.

The one thing that my family did not pick—besides my last name—is the meaning of my name.  There are several meanings to my name, Rebecca.  One site says that it has hebrew origin, and means "Servant of God."  Another website also says that it has Hebrew origin—after, the Biblical Rebecca was the wife of Isaac in the Old Testament, and the mother of Jacob and Esau—but the meaning is very different: Rebecca means "to tie."  (For some reason, I thought my name meant "beautiful" or "princess" or something.)  The same site also says that the original name Rebecca, originated from Rivka.  Not that Rivka is a bad name, but I am glad that I am named Rebecca.

Works Cited

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